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Student-focused. Service-oriented. Approachable. Driven. Nestled between the Rocky 山脉和科罗拉多州令人惊叹的高平原,北科罗拉多大学 (UNC)是一所公立的博士研究和教育机构,大约有1000名学生 9,000 students and more than 200 undergraduate and graduate programs, many of which are nationally recognized.

Founded as a teacher’s college in 1889, we graduated generations of educators, more than any other Colorado university. 我们的文化以卓越的学术成就为标志 教育、健康科学、商业、人文、表演和视觉艺术.

皇冠app官方版下载致力于支持我们的学生,并为他们提供高质量的教育 教育,实践经验和一个他们可以茁壮成长的社区. We are a welcoming, 包容的校园,并自豪地成为科罗拉多州最新的西班牙裔服务机构. UNC is more than a place to earn a degree. 这是一个学生建立有意义的 connections that last a lifetime. 


Recognized as a top university for social mobility, UNC is proud to be a Hispanic Serving Institution and to serve more than 42% of our undergraduates who are the first in their family to attend college. 这所大学规模适中,师资力量雄厚,研究传统悠久 动手学习为学生提供了特殊的机会和个性化的教育.

Once a bear, always a bear. UNC graduates join a strong network of over 140,000 alumni living and working 在50个州和90个国家帮助建设 communities that save and transform lives. 


UNC has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1916. HLC是一个机构认可的认证机构 美国教育部,是七个区域认证机构之一 in the country.

Land Acknowledgement

我们承认,我们的大学所立足的理由是不可分割的 与土著人民的历史和文化息息相关. We pay our respect to Elders 过去,现在和未来,以及那些一直守护这片土地的人 generations. 北科罗拉多大学占据了这些领土上的土地 尤特族、夏安族、阿拉帕霍族和拉科塔族的后裔. Further, we acknowledge the 48 历史上与科罗拉多州有联系的部落. We challenge ourselves 更好地管理我们居住的土地,以及学习故事和实践 of Indigenous people’s history and culture.

14:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio

with 686 total faculty

(441 of which are full-time)

Student Enrollment*

8,420 in total enrollment.

6,035 in undgraduate enrollment.

2,385 in graduate enrollment.

*As reported in Fall 2023 Census

Undergraduate Snapshot


Full-time students

Stack of books


Line drawing of a group of three people


Colorado flag

5,182 In-state students

Graduate Snapshot

68% Masters Students

21% Doctoral Students

5% Specialist Students

3% Licensure/Certificate Students

3% Unclassified Students

  • Masters - 68%
  • Doctoral - 21%
  • Specialist - 5%
  • Licensure/Certificate - 3%
  • Unclassified - 3%

Graduate and Undergraduate Ethnicity

  • 60% White
  • 26% Latinx/Hispanic
  • <1% Not Reported/Unknown
  • 5% Multi-racial
  • 4% African American
  • 2% Asian
  • <1% Native American
  • <1% Hawaiian

Stories from Bear Country

Leadership for a Changing World

今年是皇冠app官方版下载斯崔克领导力发展研究所成立20周年, 它继续给予学生领导技能,帮助他们改变他人的生活.

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New Deans Join UNC


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UNC Trustee Shashwata Prateek Dutta BS 08, EdLD, 他相信教育作为社会流动的驱动力的重要性——这是他在自己的成功之旅中所经历的.

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UNC Athletics

A member of the NCAA Division I Big Sky Conference 自2006年以来,皇冠app官方版下载共有17个校际团队. Since joining the Big Sky, UNC has 赢得了三次排球冠军和一次女子足球冠军,以及女子足球冠军 篮球队最近赢得了Big Sky冠军和NCAA席位.

我们的运动员不仅仅是在赛场上取得成功——NCAA经常意识到这一点 UNC团队的高学习成绩和我们的学生运动员都有累计张贴 GPA of 3.21 as of fall semester 2023. 这是熊队连续第22个学期 have earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

More about Bear Athletics



*Last year, UNC students received over $30.800万美元的奖学金和奖学金 aid 

Our People


Our alumni 他们经常说,他们与教师建立的联系产生了巨大的影响,不仅是在 他们是在皇冠app官方版下载,但很久以后,在他们的职业生涯和人生道路上. That 伙伴关系和社区是我们引以为傲的大学文化 这是欢迎,合作,支持和致力于学生的成功,服务 and education. 

Meet Bears who go beyond.


Our students 是多样化和勤奋的,没有一个“标签”来定义他们. More 超过42%的大学生是家里第一个上大学的人. More than 36%的学生认为自己是有色人种,其中26%的学生认为自己是西班牙裔/拉丁裔.


皇冠app官方版下载的教师都是各自领域的专家,是杰出的教师. They are scholars 是谁不厌其难地在研究中与学生联系并带来新知识 into the classroom.

Biology Professor Scott Franklin 他说:“我们的教师几乎负责所有高级实验室的教学. Because of the high 与教师互动,对本科生来说有很多研究潜力. There 这里是否有高质量的教师在进行出色的研究和教学.”

皇冠app官方版下载是一个老师会知道你名字的地方. That’s unique!


of all UNC Students are


Bears Go Big

皇冠app官方版下载的熊们走向世界,做着重大的工作. 认识丹吉尔巴恩斯赖特,BA非洲研究,2005年和 Director of Transportation Programs at Groundwork Colorado.


See other Bears going big.

So that's who we are.

但是我们很乐意见到你,带你参观我们的校园. Schedule a visit, take 浏览我们的节目或索取更多信息.

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